Nas Talks About Ex-Kelis...

NAS was asked to reflect on his relationship and divorce from singer KELIS, and he opened up and shared some very revealing details of exactly what went wrong between the two.
NAS says to Complex magazine that his initial attraction was intense but he always wondered if it would work.
“It was rock and roll. I saw Kelis as Courtney Love—but I also saw her as a mahogany queen. I saw us as a beautiful thing. I saw us as inspiration. People weren’t seeing hip-hop artists get married… But I think overall, we were inspiring people to love.”
He continued, “There was a lot that was thrown at her that she couldn’t handle…I needed something more from her, that she either wasn’t ready or didn’t know how to provide. Plus, she is younger than me and she hadn’t seen all the things I had seen… I said, ‘There’s parts of this that might not work,’ but there was a beautiful part of it, too. For the most part, I had a great time being married. It was amazing. She’s an amazing woman.”
NAS says that the divorce was the hardest thing, and because KELIS was so bitter, he began to question if she had ever loved him.
Due to the divorce that “messed him up,” and the hard time he still has seeing his son, NAS admits he doesn’t really see giving marriage a second shot.


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