BasketBallWife Kenya Bell Says Suzie’s Trying To Remain Relevant!!!

Episode 2 has aired, and new cast member KENYA BELL caught some heat for her eccentric home YouTube videos and seemingly shaky music career.

 Tell us what were those YouTube videos about?
KENYA BELL: First of all, those YouTube videos were done years ago. They are just for fun. They’re not serious. I wasn’t trying to make a real music video. Basically, when I work out I like to dance. So I was like I’m gonna learn some BEYONCCE [choreography] for fun. My husband at the time agreed to tape them and we edited them together for my website. In order for me to upload them to my website I had to put them on YouTube first. So that’s all that was.

Interesting, because the show made it seem like you were serious about those videos – especially your reaction when Suzie said you looked like you were possessed.
KB: Well [with Suzie] it was just like, you don’t even know me. You just met me and you’re already talking about I’m weird? So not cool. Maybe for her “weird” is actually having goals and something you want to do with your life. But it’s all good, because me and my crazy videos were a trending topic again.
You’ve since deleted most of the videos from YouTube. Why?
KB: The only video that was up was the Beyonce “Sweet Dreams” one. The others have been private for a while. I know that they’ve talked about it on the show, so I just left that one up so people could see it.
 So Kesha questioned the credibility of your management team that was helping you with your music video. Do you agree that they didn’t know what they were doing?
KB: I definitely still stand behind them. My “team” as they called it were my managers Will and Linda, and the others were basically just in New York to help me do the video. So they weren’t necessarily part of my permanent team. They’re not part of my whole career and they took time out of their lives to help me. Those guys have done videos before and they’re well connected in the city. They were there to help me. So KESHA can talk all she wants, but I’m going to appreciate when someone tries to help me.
 You mentioned that KESHA was being a hater do you still feel that way?
KBWell my whole thing is, if someone is genuinely trying to help you they give you solutions – like maybe you don’t want to do it this way, but instead do it this way. You just don’t come at a person and say negative, negative, negative! You come at them and say, let me show you a better way. I never got that. So to me, if you’re really trying to help you’d give me constructive criticism as well as solutions to make the video happen. Honestly, KESHA only came to that one meeting you saw, and from that one meeting you’re gonna determine whether I can do a video or not? Ugh, I don’t think so. That’s why I was like, why are you hating? It’s ridiculous.

What was your reaction to Suzie criticizing your YouTube videos, and Evelyn calling you a “cookoo bird”?
KB: It’s not weird, crazy or “cookoo bird” for someone to do a YouTube video. EVELYN had her little comment, but SUZIE was just way over the top. She just kept going on and on about it. I don’t know if she’s just trying to remain relevant or what the deal was. But it’s a YouTube video, it’s not that deep.
Do you think you are Suzie’s target this season?
KB:  Everyone has been saying that she’s turned it up a level. I think she is trying to jump on me because I’m the new chick. SUZIE can’t bully me. That just wouldn’t happen.


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